Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Morning Links

A couple of really interesting links to look at today:

- National Team member, Stefan Hirniak blogs from his training camp in Australia where they are doing many of the same things that our Elite group has been doing (VAS does it on a much larger scale, of course). The thing I like about this blog is that he incorporates some video from some dive 200s they did as a test and gets pretty specific about it. I love Randy Bennet and the Victoria Academy of Swimming (VAS) and they willingness to share ideas. They really care about Fast Swimming!

- Always a controversial topic, this is a report on a renewed way of looking at youth fitness, taken from the new fitness guidelines released last week by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. Food for thought if nothing else. The second I finished reading it, I wondered what other coaches thought of it.

And for the few people who have asked me, you can find me on Twitter with my email address:

BTW, this is my 101st post. Thanks for reading. We're well over 10,000 hits since September!