2.) Women's Division 1 NCAA Championships begin in Indianapolis tomorrow. Canadians such as Brittany MacLean, Chantal VanLandenham (spelling..?) Sinead Russell, Brooklyn Snodgrass, Cynthia Pammett, Paige Miller, Kiera Smith, Lauren Erp, Marnie Oldershaw, Annie Harrison and others will represent and some will get medals. My friends over at swimswam (right side of the page linked as "results") will cover this fully and, while it is a yards meet, it is still lightning fast. Swimswam.com has a time conversion utility on the right side of their page. You can check out how fast these swims are yourself.
While I'm on this topic, I would like to publicly shake my head in confusion and shame at SNC for continually holding Major Games Trials (last year Olympic Trials; in this case World Championship Trials) 2 weeks after women's NCAAs and 1 week after men's NCAAs while other countries are holding theirs much later in the season. Some of our brightest talent are competing at these meets (Olympians MacLean & Russell are currently in the USA) and will have to manage a very tight taper, not to mention going from SCY to LCM in a matter of days. Needless to say; this is the hand we've been dealt and we're got to deal with it. I still don't understand why we're punishing our athletes (and ourselves) with this ridiculous timing.
...and scene.
3.) Ontario Provincial Mentor Coach, Dean Boles's monthly report can be found here. Thanks for the shout out, Dean!